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Fototapeta: Watercolor botanical dark pattern. herbal contrasting theme with

Fototapeta Watercolor Botanical dark pattern. Herbal contrasting theme with red mushrooms, leaves and berries. Botanical seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor Botanical dark pattern. Herbal contrasting theme with red mushrooms, leaves and berries. Botanical seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs..
Autor: ©
Číslo fotografie:
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bezešvý, izolovaný, bobule, list, černý, vzor, zelený, šperky, dovolená
Vizualizace výrobku

Vinylová fototapeta

Vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad s hladkým, matným povrchem. Barvy fototapety budou výrazné po dlouhá léta díky inkoustům HP Latex.

  • ✓ Odolný proti deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 95-105 cm. V případě, že rozměr překročí maximální šířku, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: suchým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

Omyvatelná vinylová fototapeta

Omyvatelná vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad s hladkým, matným povrchem. Následně je potom pokryta laminátem, což ji chrání před vlivem vlhka a negativními důsledky jiných vnějších vlivů (poškrábání, odření, sluneční svit). Moderní technologie tisku HP Latex umožňuje zajistit živé barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Pokrytá laminátem
  • ✓ Odolná vůči vlhku, poškrábání, odření a slunečnímu svitu
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 95-105 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Místnosti, ve kterých je značné vlhko (kuchyně, koupelna) a tam, kde hrozí nebezpečí poškrábání (předsíň, dětský pokoj, hotel, restaurace, konferenční sály, veřejné budovy, školy, školky, jesle)
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: mokrým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

Vinylová strukturální fototapeta

Vinylová strukturální fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad o struktuře drobného písku. To umožňuje získat koncetrovaný pocit hloubky tisku. Technologie HP Latex umožňuje zachovat výrazné barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Struktura drobného písku
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 100 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Fototapeta se hodí jak do obytných interiérů, tak i do restaurací, škol a kanceláří
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: suchým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat, struktura drobného písku

Vinylová strukturální omyvatelná fototapeta

Vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad o struktuře drobného písku. To umožňuje získat koncetrovaný pocit hloubky tisku. Technologie HP Latex umožňuje zachovat výrazné barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Pokrytá laminátem
  • ✓ Struktura drobného písku
  • ✓ Odolná vůči vlhku, poškrábání, odření a slunečnímu svitu
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 100 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Dekorace místností, ve kterých je značné vlhko (kuchyně, koupelna) a povrchů, kde hrozí nebezpečí poškrábání (předsíň, dětský pokoj, hotel, restaurace, konferenční sály, veřejné budovy, školy, školky, jesle)
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: mokrým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat, struktura drobného písku

Samolepicí fototapeta

Díky univerzálnímu použití se perfektně hodí do růných místností a na různé povrchy. Samolepicí fototapety se skvěle prezentuje jak přilepená na zdi, tak i na skříních, skle, nábytku a dalších hladkých površích. Výrazné, živé barvy na dlouhá léta zajistí technologie HP Latex.

  • ✓ Bez dodatečného lepidla
  • ✓ Velmi snadná a rychlá montáž
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 133 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké povrchy, univerzální použití
Způsob lepení: okraj k okraji
Způsob čištění: vlhkým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

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Viz také
autumn maple leaves set
Pattern with red mushrooms. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Botanical set with cone and fir. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Botanical forest theme, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with fir and branches. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with cones. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with mushrooms. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Oval frame with cone and fir. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Botanical forest theme, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Wreath frame with cone and fir. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Botanical forest theme, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Square frame with botanical theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Forest botanical illustration, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Christmas oval frame with snowflakes. New year's theme. Pencil isolated illustration on a white background. Illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Square frame with botanical theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Forest botanical illustration, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Christmas pattern with bow and bells. Christmas theme. Pencil isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Pattern with cones. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with mushrooms. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with mushrooms, cones. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with leaves. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with birds . Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Pattern with mushrooms. Botanical natural forest theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor floral illustration. Clover, flax, dandelion watercolor illustration isolated on white background. Floral an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Watercolor illustration. Bicycle with a wicker basket. Retro theme with landscape colors and architecture. Retro themes, illustrations for postcards, posters, and other Souvenirs
Christmas pattern with snowflakes. New years  theme. Pencil isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Watercolor orange gradient background. Texture of watercolor paper. Warm colour scheme. Soft gradient, illustrations for postcards, posters and other Souvenirs.
Christmas pattern with candy. New year's theme. Pencil isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Watercolor botanical pattern on white background. Natural theme with fern and green leaves. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor autumn maple pattern. Autumn contrast red and orange theme with maple and oak leaves and berries. Autumn pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Watercolor botanical insect pattern. Dark vinous butterfly illustration isolated on white background. Butterfly pattern an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Watercolor Botanical clipart poster. Butterflies, moth, bug illustrations isolated on white background. Butterfly clipart illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Oval frame with figs. Watercolor illustration on white background isolated. Frame, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor illustration. Bright bouquet in an ice cream cone. Spring theme, an illustration for postcards, posters and other Souvenirs
Floral watercolor set with red and white flowers, eucalyptus leaves. Watercolor illustration on white background. Pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor pattern with bird house. Floral branch. Pink and purple feathers. Watercolor illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and o
Floral watercolor set with red and white flowers, eucalyptus leaves. Watercolor illustration on white background. Pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor sea clipart pattern on white background. Marine theme isolated. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor sea clipart pattern on white background. Marine theme with starfish, shell and seaweed isolated. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor marine clipart. Pink, purple and beige theme with starfish, shell and seaweed on white background isolated. Clipart, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor starfish pattern on white background. Pink, purple and beige theme with starfish isolated. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor pink light pattern on white background. Pink theme with purple jellyfish. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor frame. Pink, purple and beige theme with starfish, shell and seaweed on white background isolated. Clipart sea set, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Christmas set with a garland. New year's theme. Pencil isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Pattern with birds and figs. Watercolor illustration on dark purple background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor illustration of acrylic abstract background with blue, white, beige and pink colors. Brush strokes. Acrylic an illustration for postcards, posters and others souvenirs.
Magical landscape watercolor with bright pink sky, trees, deer and mountains . Watercolor illustration on dark background. Landscape , an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor clipart poster. Figs fruit, flowers and bug illustrations isolated on white background. Figs fruit clipart illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Watercolor illustration of sun and moon kissing in the stars. Black space in the Universe of the Sun and moon, illustration for postcards, posters and other souvenirs.
Birds and feathers set. Watercolor illustration on white background isolated. Set, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor illustration of acrylic abstract background with blue, white, beige and pink colors. Brush strokes. Acrylic an illustration for postcards, posters and others souvenirs.
Watercolor illustration of acrylic floral background with blue, white, beige and pink colors. Acrylic an illustration for postcards, posters and others souvenirs.
Landscape green forest with fog, misty trees and mountains. Watercolor illustration background. Foggy forest, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Landscape misty forest with fog, trees and mountains and birds. Watercolor illustration orange light background. Misty forest, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Landscape with misty mountains. Lonely man on top. Watercolor paper texture. Misty mountains, illustration for greeting cards, posters, textile design and other things.
Watercolor Christmas illustration. New year's night with snowflakes. Christmas theme, illustrations for postcards, posters and other Souvenirs.
Abstract texture pattern with pastel strokes. Rough surface. Isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustrations for postcards, posters, textile design and more.
Feathers watercolor pattern with pink, purple, gray and orange feathers. Watercolor illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other
Spring watercolor pattern with feathers. Floral umbrella and wellingtons. Ice cream with flowers. Watercolor illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters,
Boho wedding bouquet with feathers and anemones. Beige warm colors. Watercolor texture background. Boho style, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Landscape with the man watercolor with bright sky, trees and mountains . Watercolor illustration on dark background. Lonely man , an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor illustration of hands showing heart in red flowers and green leaves. Hands love, an illustration for postcards, invitation cards, posters and others souvenirs.
Flower ribbon with red and white flowers. Watercolor illustration on white background. Love set illustration for postcards, greeting cards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs
Oval floral frame. Isolated wreath on white background. Floral leaves and flowers watercolor illustration for wedding invitations, postcards posters, textile design and other things.
Watercolor autumn frame. Autumn contrast red and orange theme with maple and oak leaves and berries. Autumn, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Wedding cake. Flower ribbon with red and white flowers. Watercolor illustration on white background. Love set illustration for postcards, greeting cards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs
Watercolor frame circle clipart. Pink, purple and beige theme with starfish, shell and seaweed. Circle set, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Abstract texture pattern with pastel strokes. Rough surface. Isolated illustration on a white background. Seamless pattern, illustrations for postcards, posters, textile design and more.
Watercolor Botanical pattern. Herbal theme with dandelion flowers and leaves. Isolated on white background. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Watercolor illustration of a sleeping deer in leafs. Night magic forest with green plants and magic purple light. Forest light, an illustration for postcards, posters and other souvenirs
Watercolor clipart marine set. Pink, purple and beige theme with starfish, shell and seaweed on white background isolated. Clipart set, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Texture of watercolor paper. Background pink gradient, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other things.
Clipart watercolor figs set. Watercolor illustration on white background isolated. Figs, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor autumn frame. Autumn contrast red and orange theme with maple and oak leaves and berries. Autumn, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other souvenirs.
Clipart with bird and figs. Watercolor illustration on white background isolated. Watercolor bird and figs, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor illustration. Isolated fox on white background. Watercolor animal, an illustrations for postcards, posters and other Souvenirs.
Pattern with bees and honeycomb. Floral and insect theme. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Seamless pattern, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Square frame with figs and leafs. Watercolor isolated illustration on white background. Figs frame, an illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other.
Watercolor marine clipart theme pattern background. Pink theme with starfish, shell and seaweed isolated. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
Watercolor pink light pattern on white background. Pink theme with purple jellyfish. Seamless pattern, illustration for postcards, posters, textile design and other Souvenirs.
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