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Fototapeta: Racing car at high speed. racer on a racing car passes the track.

Fototapeta Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background..
Autor: ©
Číslo fotografie:
Další témata:
vítězný, doprava, výkon, motor, soutěž, mistrovství, sport, noc, silnice
Vizualizace výrobku
race car on the asphalt of the international track, featuring the start of the race with a high-speed racer passing the track, emphasizing the thrill and speed of motorsport
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track, embodying the spirit of competition and the pursuit of victory. The scene is a testament to speed and precision
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art. generative AI.
racing car at high speed racer on a racing car passes the track motor sports competitive team racing motion blur background digital art
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art. generative AI.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art. generative AI.
Race car on the race track. Sport racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI.
Racing car at high speed Racer on a racing car passes the track Motor sports competitive team racing
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. Generative AI technology.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
 Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background. digital art
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car at high speed. Racer on a racing car passes the track. Motor sports competitive team racing. Motion blur background.
Racing car high speed Racer on a racing car passes the track, sport car  Motor sports competitive racing, racing formula Illustration
Racing car high speed Racer on a racing car passes the track, sport car  Motor sports competitive racing, racing formula Illustration
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Vinylová fototapeta

Vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad s hladkým, matným povrchem. Barvy fototapety budou výrazné po dlouhá léta díky inkoustům HP Latex.

  • ✓ Odolný proti deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 95-105 cm. V případě, že rozměr překročí maximální šířku, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: suchým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

Omyvatelná vinylová fototapeta

Omyvatelná vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad s hladkým, matným povrchem. Následně je potom pokryta laminátem, což ji chrání před vlivem vlhka a negativními důsledky jiných vnějších vlivů (poškrábání, odření, sluneční svit). Moderní technologie tisku HP Latex umožňuje zajistit živé barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Pokrytá laminátem
  • ✓ Odolná vůči vlhku, poškrábání, odření a slunečnímu svitu
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 95-105 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Místnosti, ve kterých je značné vlhko (kuchyně, koupelna) a tam, kde hrozí nebezpečí poškrábání (předsíň, dětský pokoj, hotel, restaurace, konferenční sály, veřejné budovy, školy, školky, jesle)
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: mokrým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

Vinylová strukturální fototapeta

Vinylová strukturální fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad o struktuře drobného písku. To umožňuje získat koncetrovaný pocit hloubky tisku. Technologie HP Latex umožňuje zachovat výrazné barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Struktura drobného písku
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 100 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Fototapeta se hodí jak do obytných interiérů, tak i do restaurací, škol a kanceláří
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: suchým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat, struktura drobného písku

Vinylová strukturální omyvatelná fototapeta

Vinylová fototapeta je tištěna na trvalý podklad o struktuře drobného písku. To umožňuje získat koncetrovaný pocit hloubky tisku. Technologie HP Latex umožňuje zachovat výrazné barvy po dlouhou dobu.

  • ✓ Pokrytá laminátem
  • ✓ Struktura drobného písku
  • ✓ Odolná vůči vlhku, poškrábání, odření a slunečnímu svitu
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Snadná montáž
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 100 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké, rovné stěny. Dekorace místností, ve kterých je značné vlhko (kuchyně, koupelna) a povrchů, kde hrozí nebezpečí poškrábání (předsíň, dětský pokoj, hotel, restaurace, konferenční sály, veřejné budovy, školy, školky, jesle)
Způsob lepení: Lepidlo nanášíme pouze na povrch stěny a další pásy přikládáme okrajem k okraji, což nejen snižuje riziko poškození tapety, ale také umožňuje jemné úpravy jejího položení
Způsob čištění: mokrým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat, struktura drobného písku

Samolepicí fototapeta

Díky univerzálnímu použití se perfektně hodí do růných místností a na různé povrchy. Samolepicí fototapety se skvěle prezentuje jak přilepená na zdi, tak i na skříních, skle, nábytku a dalších hladkých površích. Výrazné, živé barvy na dlouhá léta zajistí technologie HP Latex.

  • ✓ Bez dodatečného lepidla
  • ✓ Velmi snadná a rychlá montáž
  • ✓ Odolná vůči deformování a roztahování
  • ✓ Propouští vodní páru
  • ✓ Ekologický inkoust HP Latex

Maximální šířka pásu: 133 cm. V případě rozměru, který překračuje maximální šířku materiálu, bude se fototapeta skládat z několika stejných archů
Použití: hladké povrchy, univerzální použití
Způsob lepení: okraj k okraji
Způsob čištění: vlhkým hadříkem
Povrchová úprava: Polomat

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Viz také
Owl headshot with closeup of face.
The serenity of a secluded forest lake.
Lotus Pink light purple floating light sparkle purple background.
Stylish female clothes and shoes in a boutique. Generative AI
Penguin standing in Antarctica looking into the blue sky. AI Generated
Penguin standing in Antarctica looking into the blue sky. AI Generated
Wanaka's lone willow tree which is situated just off of the lake shore.
Ocean wave sun clouds, blue yellow abstract ocean wave.
St Patrick's Day concept. leprechaun headwear gift boxes pot with gold coins. AI Generated
Iceberg in Greenland.
 Two glasses with white wine on background of a lavender field.
Wolfs Mona Monkey. Generative AI
Christmas or New Year red background with fir decor. AI Generated
Female roe deer with beautiful flower.
Uttakleiv Beach,with dramatic mountains and peaks, open sea and sheltered bays, beaches and untouched lands.  AI Generated
The rare blue-footed booby rests on the beach. AI Generated
Web page banner of famous Italian food recipes on clean blue background. AI Generated
Green hills .
A Beautful Red Tailed Black Cockatoo.
A colorful close up chameleon with a high crest on its head. Generative AI
Floral Moon and Water Lilies on a white background.
Closeup of wooden heart on moss. Natural burial grave in the woods.
Idyllic Meadow on summer.
Field of vibrant green biofuel crops.
Interior design of a modern luxurious white building corridor or hallway with waiting seat.
White transparent leaf on mirror surface with reflection on green background macro. Generative AI
Colorful festival lanterns during the Chinese traditional holiday season. AI Generated
Fresh organic Brussels sprouts growing in the garden. Growing own fruits, vegetables.
 Cat and dog together with happy expressions on yellow background.
Meat grilling on a charcoal grill with smoke rising..
Christmas turkey dinner. AI Generated
Hydroponic lettuce growing. AI Generated
Christmas or New Year red background with fir decor. AI Generated
The rare blue-footed booby rests on the beach. AI Generated
Side view Closeup of beautiful and colorful Lorikeet Green naped bird.
Slices of kiwi fruit and green mint leaves on a light pastel blue background.
Turquoise Browed Motmot in vibrant colors. Generative AI
Fresh bunch of pink peonies and roses with copy space.
Seagull on the beach under blue sky. AI Generated
Iceberg in Greenland.
Reflective skyscrapers, business office buildings.
Pink gift box with ribbon bow and bouquet of tulips on isolated pastel pink background.
Neon colored glowing high energy singularity in space, 3D rendering.
Rainbow sky with fluffy clouds. Multicolored toned sky.
Two bell peppers, a red and a yellow isolated on white background. AI Generated.
Super Typhoon, tropical storm, cyclone, tornado, over ocean. Weather background. Generative AI
Orange fruit slices citrus arrangement full frame background.
Two broccoli pieces arranged on background. AI Generated
Stack of clean clothes on table in room. Generative AI
Beach with waves and coconut trees at sunset. Generative AI
Fresh bunch of pink peonies and roses with copy space.
Northern pintail isolated on white background.
Leopard macro photography.
Watercolor bamboo clipart isolated on white background. AI Generated
Interior of stylish bathroom with wooden cabinet, sink, bathtub, and mirror.
Space of night sky with clouds and stars. Generative AI
Hydroponic lettuce growing.
Watercolor scene of a cascading waterfall surrounded by rainforest.
Happy Birthday Cupcake with Candle.
Watercolor scene of a cascading waterfall surrounded by rainforest.
Different types of meats, vegetables, and fruits lay in supermarkets.
Collection of watercolor herbs clipart on white background.
Floral Moon and Water Lilies on a white background.
Wheat field under blue sky.
Abstract 3D image of digital waves in shades of pink and purple.
 Dahlia flower background.
The rare blue-footed booby rests on the beach.
Desert with magical sands and dunes as inspiration for exotic adventures in dry climates.
Desert with magical sands and dunes as inspiration for exotic adventures in dry climates.
Cup of Steaming Tea Coffee, Knitted Blanket, and Cinnamon Anise.
Variety of fresh organic vegetables and fruits in the garden.
Nature of green leaf in a garden in summer under sunlight. Spring background.
Abstract connected dots and lines. Motion of digital data flow.
Two sunflowers in the sunny ambience. Light blue background with shadow.
Gold Vintage Fireworks and bokeh on New Year's Eve and copy space.
Biotechnology concept with green plant leaves, laboratory glassware, and conducting research, illustrating the powerful combination of nature and science in medical advancements.
The Cactus set on white background. Clipart illustrations.
The golden monstrance with a little transparent crystal center, consecrated host. church defocused background.
Stock market or forex trading graph. AI Generated
Olive tree branch, green olives and leaves on white background.
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